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Chapel Hill High School Navy JROTC Parent Support Group, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that provides support to Chapel Hill High School’s NJROTC program.


  • Provide communication between the program, instructors, and cadets’ parents.

  • Providing financial support for all levels of Chapel Hill High School NJROTC

  • Support instructors and cadets at all team competitions

  • Provide chaperone assistance for day/night field trips as appropriate

  • Support the cadets in planning the annual Cadet Military Ball


Raise funds to offset the cost of the program (equipment, transportation, lodging, food, entry fees, etc).

With increasing costs and inflation and 113 cadets this year, we have to raise at least $300 per cadet to continue our high-caliber programs.


There are numerous ways you can support the Chapel Hill High School NJROTC cadets:

  • Parent Member Dues

  • Fundraisers

  • Business Sponsorships

  • Private Donations



OUR 2024-2025 BOARD

President – Asiah McKeehan
Vice President – Jammie Johnson
Treasurer – Navarro Gerson
Secretary – Ava Smith

Chairperson of the Publicity Committee – Sharon Coipel

Academic Team – Open

Drill Team – Open

Drone Team – Open
Orienteering Team – Open
Rifle Team – Open

Special Events – Open

Spirit Wear – Open
Fundraising – Open
Fundraising – Open
Sponsorship – Open



Our NJROTC Parent Support Group meets monthly in person at 6:30 PM at Chapel Hill H.S. All parents and cadets are welcome to attend our open meetings. We value your input and participation. 



12 AUG    PSG Welcome Meeting – 6:30 PM in the Media Center   Meeting Presentation Slides        





The name of the organization is the Chapel Hill High School Navy JROTC Parent Support Group, Inc., hereinafter called the NJPSG. The NJPSG is located in Douglas County with Headquarters in Douglasville, Georgia.



The corporation is organized for the following purposes; to lend all possible support, both moral and financial to the NJROTC unit of Chapel Hill High School, and to operate in a spirit of cooperation with the principal, NJROTC instructors, Douglas County Board of Education and other school supporting organizations; to arouse and maintain an enthusiastic interest in the various phases of NJROTC program of Chapel Hill High School and to encourage participation in the NJROTC program and extra-curricular NJROTC activities.




SECTION 1 The membership of the organization is open to all interested individuals. Anyone interested in the progress and development of the NJROTC is eligible for membership. Any dues paid to the organization are non-refundable. 


SECTION 2 Active membership is automatic for NJROTC Parents with the first NJROTC Parent Support Group fee payment. Active paid members, except the President, are authorized to vote on matters of general or specific interest deemed necessary by the Executive Committee. All members are encouraged to participate as volunteers and/or officers.

SECTION 3 An Honorary Membership may be provided to those individuals or agencies that have made substantial contributions to the NJPSG. An Honorary Member DOES NOT have voting privileges, except as set forth in section five.


SECTION 4 Membership may be revoked or refused to any individual or agency (by majority vote of the executive committee) who, by their actions or words, demonstrates an inability or unwillingness to abide by the By-Laws, and/or rules and regulations of the NJPSG.
Any negative or irrelevant pursuit of negative activities toward supporting the NJPSG or Junior ROTC Programs will result in membership being revoked. If there has been a violation of a law, By-Law, or rule or regulation, the matter will be turned into the proper authorities.


SECTION 5 The current Chapel Hill High School NJROTC Senior Naval Science Instructor (SNSI) and Naval Science Instructors (NSI) are Honorary Members of the NJPSG. The SNSI is the only Honorary Member with full voting privileges.



SECTION 1 Income is derived from fees, contributions, and fund-raising activities.

SECTION 2 Detailed accounting records are maintained to reflect the assets, liabilities, net worth and financial transactions of the NJPSG. The accounting records are audited at least once a year and upon the change of the Treasurer.


SECTION 3 No NJPSG Member shall incur any financial obligation for the organization without approval of the Executive Committee.



SECTION 1 The Executive Committee is the governing body consistent with the By-Laws of the organization to conduct all affairs of the NJPSG.


SECTION 2 The Executive Committee consists of the elected officers to include the President, Vice President, Recording/Corresponding Secretary, and Treasurer. The Executive Committee is assisted by a Parliamentarian and the Chairperson of each standing committee. Each officer shall serve his/her elected term but may resign his/her position at any time. Except as provided in Article VII, Section 5, an Officer, the Parliamentarian, or any Chairperson may be removed, with or without cause, by a majority vote of the General membership. Following notification and an opportunity for a hearing, the Executive Committee may appoint a new individual by a majority vote to serve for the time remaining in the term of the vacant position.


SECTION 3 Each member of the NJPSG shall have one vote except the President, who shall vote ONLY in the event of a tie.


SECTION 4 All Committee Chairpersons, to include the Parliamentarian, shall be appointed by the Executive Committee or the President.


SECTION 1 The officers are elected annually and shall consist of the President, Vice President, Recording/Corresponding Secretary and the Treasurer. The elected officers shall constitute the Executive Committee with the addition of the SNSI. The Executive Committee is empowered to act for the NJPSG, including assigning duties to Committees, filling vacant Chairpersons’ positions, filling vacant Executive Committee positions, subject to the approval of the general membership at the next regular meeting.


SECTION 2 The President shall appoint a nominating committee, including at least three active members, chaired by the Parliamentarian, by the end of the February meeting. This committee shall, when possible, nominate at least two candidates for each office. Additional nominations will be accepted from the General Membership at the March Meeting.


SECTION 3 Officers shall be elected by written ballot during the April meeting each year. Officers and Chairperson will serve for a period of one year or until their successor is named. The newly elected officers and Chairpersons will be installed in office at the May meeting.


SECTION 4 No voting by proxy is authorized. Absentee ballots will be distributed by the Secretary prior to the April meeting and will be counted on the day of the election. All active members are authorized to vote in the April meeting.



SECTION 1 The NJPSG will meet monthly, on the second Mondday of each month, in the NJROTC room (E206) or available room of the Chapel Hill High School at 6:00 PM. Time and date may be modified to adapt to calendar, events and school schedule where/when appropriate. Changes will be reflected in the meeting minutes.


SECTION 2 The agenda of the February meeting will include solicitation for names of the candidates for the Executive Committee and volunteers for the Committee Chairpersons. The notice shall contain the date, time, place, and agenda for the meeting.


SECTION 3 The NJPSG will conduct an annual Election Meeting each year, in April, for the Executive Committee, and volunteers for Committee Chairpersons.

SECTION 4 Special meetings may be called as required by the President. The Executive Committee will meet at the direction of the President.


SECTION 5 Any member of the Executive Committee of Committee Chairperson absent from either two consecutive meetings. Or three meetings during the calendar year, without cause, (to be determined by the Executive Committee), may have their office declared vacant by a majority vote of the General Membership.


SECTION 6 All regular meetings of the NJPSG shall be open to the public. Closed meetings may be held by the Executive Committee to discuss confidential, personal, or legal matters.




SECTION 1 The By-Laws may be amended providing the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing to the Executive Committee at least 30 days prior to the next meeting.


SECTION 2 Amendments to the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of the NJPSG shall be made by a majority vote of the General Membership at any scheduled meeting.


SECTION 3 When passed, any amendment to the By-Laws or Rules and Regulations of the NJPSG, will be included in the current document, and become effective immediately.

SECTION 4The By-Laws will be reviewed annually by a committee to include the President, Recording/Corresponding Secretary, and three other members of the NJPSG. The committee will be Chaired by the Parliamentarian who will present the committee’s recommendations to the General Membership for approval.


SECTION 5 New By-Laws will become effective on the date such By-Laws are approved by the General Membership. On that date, the Old By-Laws are automatically amended.



In all matters not covered by the By-Laws, the Chapel Hill High School Navy JROTC Parent Support Group, Inc., shall be governed by the NEWLY REVISED EDITION OF THE ROBERT’S RULES OF ORDER.



All NJROTC fees shall be set by the Chapel Hill High School Navy JROTC Parent Support Group, Inc. in conjunction with the Senior Naval Science Instructor in accordance with the guidelines established by the Douglas County Board of Education. These fees are announced prior to the start of the new school year for all NJROTC members. No payment of fees from normal monetary contributions (i.e. cash, check, or credit cards via website) above the required amount will be accepted. Member Credit Accounts can exceed to any level as these credits cannot be refunded per Article XIV.




SECTION 1 President

A. Preside over all Executive Committee and general membership meetings.
B. Appoint any special committees and committee chairpersons, except as otherwise provided herein.

C. Work with the Vice President and Parliamentarian and all committees to arrive at all major decisions.
D. Assure that all activities and decisions of the Executive Committee are supportive of the stated purpose of the NJPSG.
E. Serve as the official delegate to any meeting called by another organization, or appoint an alternate.
F. Oversee the development of the fiscal year operating budget.
G. Acts as the liaison between the NJPSG and the Douglas County Board of Education to include the High School Principal.


SECTION 2 Vice President

A. Succeed to the powers of the President in his absence.
B. Carry out all duties assigned by the President.
C. Chair the Dispute Committee.
1. Investigate all complaints, whether written or verbal, that are brought to the attention of the NJPSG.
2. Consider all disputes and/or grievances files with the organization.
3. Provide recommendations to the Executive Committee and the General Membership on all disputes and/or grievances.
D. Chair the Fund Raising Committee.
1. Responsible to oversee and coordinate all fund raising activities.
2. Will establish a committee and appoint a chairperson for each fund raising activity.
3. Responsible to review and recommend fund raising activities to the Executive Committee and the General Membership.
E. Act as the official representative of the NJPSG at any meetings or functions as directed by the President of the NJPSG.


SECTION 3 Secretary

A. Record all minutes and business transactions of all meetings.
B. Prepare letters of the NJPSG to include a monthly newsletter and/or as necessary.
C. Maintain the master files including annual registration of corporate status with the State of Georgia.
D. Maintain a master list of all active members of the NJPSG to include name, address, telephone number, email, and position within the NJPSG.
E. Maintain the ballots from all elections for a period of one year.


SECTION 4 Treasurer

A. Maintain accountability for all NJPSG funds and provide a financial report as each meeting with sufficient copies for all members. Provide all accounting records for the NJPSG on a moments notice to the administration of Chapel Hill High School.
B. Receive, deposit, and disburse all moneys on behalf of the NJPSG as directed by the Executive Committee and supported by meeting minutes.
C. All check requests will be approved by the Executive Committee.
D. Have available for any member an audited financial report following the end of each school year.
E. Chair the Budget and Finance Committee.
1. Develop and recommend an annual budget.
2. Oversee an independent audit of the financial affairs of the NJPSG.
3. Oversee the audit of concession, special events, and fund raisers.
F. File all necessary financial reports and keep a detailed financial record of all NJPSG accounts.


SECTION 5 Chapel Hill High School Senior Naval Science Instructor

A. Direct the activities of the Chapel Hill High School NJROTC Unit.
B. In conjunction with the Principal, establish and direct all policies and procedures pertaining to the Chapel Hill High School NJROTC Unit.
C. Provide guidance, expertise, and assistance to the NJPSG on all matters related to the needs of the CHHS NJROTC Unit.
D. Chairperson of the Annual Internal Audit Committee.
1. The committee will consist of the President, Vice President, and Secretary.
The Treasurer will participate in the audit but is not officially on the committee.
2. An internal audit will be conducted each year of all financial records and actions taken by the NJPSG during the previous year. The results of this audit will be given to the full membership at the next scheduled meeting.




SECTION 1 Parliamentarian

A. Chair the nominating committee.
1. The committee will include at least three other members of the NJPSG.
2. Review and recommend a slate of officers and all volunteer committee chairpersons.
3. Set and submit a ballot to the Executive Committee prior to the election.
4. Transfer the ballots to the Recording/Corresponding Secretary after the election.
B. Adhere to Robert’s Rules of Order, New Revised.
C. Responsible for the conduct of the annual general election.


SECTION 2 Chairperson of the Publicity Committee

A. Responsible for all public relations and advertising.
B. Publicize and maintain a record of all NJROTC activities.
C. Provide all NJPSG information to local publications, (Press Releases).


SECTION 3 Chairperson of the Unit Clothing Committee

A. Responsible for ordering and distribution of all Unit clothing purchased by the NJPSG.
B. Responsible to maintain an accountability of all unit clothing items owned by the NJPSG.
C. Coordinate sizing and distribution of the NJPSG owned unit clothing items to the students.
D. Solicit yearly proposals from various suppliers concerning all unit clothing.
E. In conjunction with the Senior Naval Science Instructor, Naval Science Instructor, and Unit members, recommend to the General Membership any changes or modifications to the unit clothing.
F. Develop and recommend to the Executive Committee any supplier of unit clothing for the NJROTC Unit, regardless of whether or not the unit clothing will be bought by the NJPSG or each NJROTC unit member.
G. Act as the liaison between the supplier and the NJPSG and/or unit members during the purchase of unit clothing items.


SECTION 4 Chairperson of the Facilities and Equipment Committee 

A. Responsible for improving and maintaining existing facilities and equipment.
B. Responsible for establishing a “pit crew” to assist in the set up and break down of all NJROTC unit equipment for any performances either at exhibitions or competitions.
C. Responsible for developing and maintaining an inventory of all facilities and equipment owned by the NJPSG.


SECTION 5 Chairperson of the Transportation Committee

A. Responsible for coordinating all transportation requirements for the CHHS NJROTC Unit and the NJPSG.
B. Responsible for securing transport for the CHHS NJROTC Unit equipment to any away exhibitions and/or competitions.


SECTION 6 Chairperson of the Concession Committee (when/if required)

A. Responsible for overseeing the operation and maintenance of sponsored concession stands.
B. Recruit and select a concessionaire to be responsible for each concession stand operated by the NJPSG.
C. Establish the beginning inventory for each concession stand, and an accountability system to ensure adequate inventory is available prior to the opening of each stand.
D. Establish the operating procedures for each concession stand to include inventory of food and drink items, hours of operations, cleanliness, beginning petty cash and an accountability for money received after closing.
E. Develop and maintain an accurate inventory of all concession property and equipment owned by the NJPSG. Also responsible for the maintenance of all concession equipment in cooperation with the Facilities and Equipment Committee.


SECTION 7 Chairperson of the Corporate Sponsor Committee

A. Responsible to establish and maintain a list of corporate sponsors for the Chapel Hill High School NJROTC Unit and NJPSG.
B. Act as the liaison between all sponsors and the NJPSG.
C. Responsible to recommend to the Executive Committee and General Membership and Honorary Memberships to specific individuals or agencies.


SECTION 8 Chairperson of the Communications Committee

A. Responsible to establish a communication committee with assistance from the CHHS NJROTC Unit leadership.
B. Develop and maintain a current list of all NJROTC Unit members, parents’/guardians’ name, email address and phone numbers.
C. When requested or directed, will notify all members of the NJPSG of any general or specific information.


SECTION 9 Chairperson of the Chaperone Committee

A. Responsible to establish and maintain a list of individuals to act as chaperones for the CHHS NJROTC Unit.
B. In coordination with the Senior Naval Science Instructor, determine the number of chaperones needed per event.
C. Develop and distribute an identifiable badge to individuals that act as chaperones.
D. In coordination with the President of the NJPSG, give out any “FREE” passes that are allocated to the NJPSG, on a ROTATING and EQUITABLE basis.



SECTION 1 Many types of projects are undertaken each year in order to meet budgeted needs.
Some projects will be new each year, but most are “Tried and True” money makers from past years. These normally are: Cookie dough sales, car washes, and candy sales.


SECTION 2 There are five general types of fundraising projects:

A. Student participation projects
B. Parent participation projects
C. Joint participation projects
D. Projects which provide income as a by product
E. Donations


SECTION 3 Members of the NJPSG are expected to participate in all student fund raising projects.

SECTION 4 All fundraising projects shall be in accordance with the policies and procedures set forth by the Douglas County Board of Education.



SECTION 1 Each NJROTC Unit Member will have a credit account established in his or her name.
This account will be used to off-set costs incurred by the NJROTC Unit member. It will be used for such costs as: Unit clothing items, trips, summer camps, and competition costs.
Material purchased using NJROTC Unit Members Credit Accounts become the property of the CHHS NJROTC Unit upon the members’ graduation or upon leaving the CHHS NJROTC Unit. Any and all debits to the NJROTC Unit members’ account must have prior approval of the Executive Committee.


SECTION 2 These accounts are not money accounts, but rather a system of debits and credits. A NJROTC Unit member is given credits based upon participation in approved fund raising activities.


SECTION 3 The Treasurer maintains a separate account system for the purpose of tracking NJROTC Unit members’ credits accounts, and maintains an account balance for each NJROTC Unit member. This account balance is available in writing at each general meeting.

SECTION 4 Credits may be transferred from one NJROTC Unit members’ credit account to another family members’ account including up-coming NJROTC Unit students.


SECTION 5 During a NJROTC Unit member’s senior year, he or she is required to make a decision concerning his or her credit account. A graduating senior may either:
A) Transfer the credits in his or her account to another family member’s NJROTC Unit credit account, or
B) Automatically return all remaining credits to the general account.

SECTION 6 Upon a NJROTC Unit members decision to leave the NJROTC Unit as an underclassman, he or she must make a decision regarding their account. They will have three options: A) Transfer credits to a family member including up-coming members,
B) Place the credits in escrow until the NJROTC Unit member reaches their senior year, when they must abide by Section 5, or
C) Revert all credits to the General Fund.




SECTION 1 The normal order of business for the NJPSG meeting will follow the below listed guidelines:
A. Call to order.
B. Reading and approval of the minutes.
C. Statement from the Treasurer.
D. Report of the Executive Committee.
E. Report of all Standing Committees.
F. Report of the Senior Naval Science Instructor
G. Old Business.
H. New Business.
I. Announcements.
J. Adjournment.


SECTION 2 In order for a quorum to be established, and the meeting to be of record, there must be seven members, two of whom must be Executive Committee members.



SECTION 1 Nominating Committee
SECTION 2 Publicity Committee
SECTION 3 Unit Clothing Committee
SECTION 4 Facilities and Equipment Committee
SECTION 5 Transportation Committee
SECTION 6 Concession Committee

SECTION 7 Corporate Sponsor Committee
SECTION 8 Telephone Notification Committee
SECTION 9 Chaperone Committee
SECTION 10 Fund Raising Committee
SECTION 11 Budget and Finance Committee
SECTION 12 Annual Internal Audit Committee



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